Serve Cambodia 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009 .
We are leaving in another 3 hours or so !!
I believe most of us are heading to the airport at this moment !!
Await our arrival on 11 Oct 09, 12.05pm !!!

Yvonne ^-^

posted by Wen Zi You Du

Saturday, September 26, 2009 . Pre trip activity: Breaking the Singapore recoerd YOG 2009
After several weeks of intensive preparation and planning, our team managed to hold a small scale, yet significant event in Singapore's history.

It was something related to the world, something that transcends international boundaries, many people holding up flags at once!! We were going to set the Singapore record for the most number of people holding up the most number of flags at a location at one time.
Yes! All of us who were going to the attend the event had the goal fresh in our minds.

Soooo.... The big event started off with a briefing, and we gathered in the serene sports hall, 20 of us, with some gregarious volunteers from the Student care service. We were briefed on our tasks and thus got started on our various duties. A few moments later, the New Town Secondary school students joined in. We cooperated well together, thus with our synergy, we managed to finish setting up the area for the flags to be held up at promptly and efficiently.

There were the lovely boys and girls at the packing booth,

Some at the Orange Ribbon booth, initiated by the New Town Students themselves,

our very own pride and joy, the Serve Cambodia 2009/2010 booth!

Not forgetting the diligent people setting up the floor area for the flag bearers,

and finally some representives from Ngee Ann Polytechnic Leo Club, coming down with some interesting facts to show about the the cultures of various countries.

So, after all the preparations were in place, busses of energetic students came streaming in, grabbed their goodie bags, made pledges at the orange ribbon booth and contributed their heartfelt messages and handiwork the chilldren at our section.

The hall lost its serenity at once and was trasformed into a vibrant community of youths.

Following that, something else was happening. The MCs announced the start of the event with their well rehearsed speeches. Then, there was a talk and a mini quiz about which countries the flags belonged to that the audience participated in with mild enthusiasm.

And lo and behold, a complication arose!
We did not have sufficient participants for holding up the flags. Thankfully, there were some people at the sports complex and the running track which we managed to rope into our midst.

Thus after all the commotion was over, all the participants gathered in the allocated spaces for the various flags and together, we held them up at the count of 3, and maintained the pose for 10 seconds. The judge was a stringent lady which allowed for no compromise for the record that was to be set.


What we were eagerly anticipating was announced!

The record is set!

Everyone exploded in joy!

The event was a booming success, thanks to all our combined effort.
Well done everyone!

posted by frame-crazed

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 . PRE TRIP PHOTOS PART 2

The dancers

The DONE BookMArkssss

The crowds

Starting to line up ....

Passing the FLAGS

Prize Presentation

Group pHotos

posted by amylimyiwen



Leo Club

Emcee FlagsStartingbusy busy Colouring

posted by amylimyiwen

Team Member
Miss Jamie Teo Mr Robert Juliana Robin Foo Hou Si Ting Sarah Sandra Isabel Stacey Diana Amy Yvonne Ivy Leonard Gary Heng Hao Ting Wei Yu Heng Jacqueline Katerine Bing Xian

Chit-chat :D
