Serve Cambodia 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009 . Reflection
The trip this round really gave me a deeper insight and understanding of the society in Cambodia.
Comparing the experiences that I have gained in this trip far supercedes that when I first stepped into Cambodia back in 2005. Because of the fact that we were still young in 2005, (only 14 years of age!) there are hardly any "tough" jobs that suit us. However this time, we actually stepped out of our comfort zone to paint walls and to built a basketball court. Personally, I have never expected that painting walls would require so many procedures and mixing cement can be such a tedious job. In Singapore, we tend to take things for granted because of the advance technology that is "bestowed" to us. Thus, going for this trip has definitely enlightened many of us, such as the education system back home in Singapore, the food that we eat, the houses that we live in etc.
Friendships have been forged within the team, as well as amongst the students back in Cambodia and our team members. Although we were only able to spend one week with them in FGA, the experiences and memories that have been created will go a long way. Being able to see the students gain from our teachings is extremely satisfying and rewarding because we know we have cause an impact in their lives.
I am thankful for being able to get this opportunity to go for this Serve trip. Once again, I have learnt to be appreciative of what I have and grown in many aspects. We have indeed fulfilled our motto of "Touching Hearts and Building Lives!" Thank you everyone who made this trip possible.


posted by Leonard

. Stacey's
When i first got under Cambodia's sky, i bluntly went, "How could any sky look as beautiful as this?!"
It was definitely a twitter-perfect moment, at any time of the day actually.

Throughout those 2 whole weeks, it was an emotinal rush.

I could feel that they were really expecting something from us, and i really wanted to meet that expection.
I was never really a people-person, so it took me so much longer before i started opening up to them.
And slowly as the dim lights gathered themselves and the last dawn broke, i started to wonder why i didn't open up to them earlier.

Don't mind me putting it so awfully bluntly but initially, it felt like we were simply thrown into the same house with the children and made to just work on those walls day in and out.

But somehow, that changed, entirely.

It not longer was a "we got to scrub, againnnnnnn" nor whispering suspiciously amongst ourselves a "should we talk to them?" but rather a - "leave it to me!" or a spontany "let's go do some basketball!".

I was in love with that place and the people in it. I've gotten so intergrated with their lifestyle that it really felt like it was my own.

But then as we grew closer to the children, i started wondering that on the last day of this expedition, who would be the one to hold my hands and weep with me, and to actually miss me.

It's odd when you're here to bless others but end up being insecure on whether they would even remember you at all.

Everything that i was thinking so much about, making my heart heavy and weary were all just pure foolishness.

There was a day of affirmation. I really had no idea we could be that significant to them. I always thought that we were annual and temporary, but somehow to us, they are permanent.

Thank you all so much -
for bringing me to the morning glories;
for that one basketball court that made me like a professinal basketballer-in-the-making;
for those meals i had in the same bench as them;
for the night they held my hands and prayed deeply;
for that one song i learnt in khmer;
for all those simple but heartfelt letters they gave;
for the last night when someone held my hands and soothed my weeping heart;

and to our team that i felt like family.

That was why i never really did miss home, because it already felt like i was.

I hope that this has one way or another, somehow, little by little - inspired someone, somewhere on this huge Earth.

posted by stacey c.

. Sandra's Reflection
Cambodia is mostly known for its dark past ;
the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge, and perhaps also for the Angkor Wat,
one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Yet the Cambodia that I have come to know, is way more than just that.
The genuine love and care that the Cambodian people have shown to me,
the kindness and sincerity,
and most of all,
the childlike innocence and faith that they had in God,
in what they believed for made me realize how privileged and blessed I am.

Simple things that we have in Singapore,
like going to school, having sweets to eat, handphones and computers to use,
internet connection readily available, electricity....The list is endless!
We have taken all these little things in life for granted, and overlooked what we have been blessed with. We always want more of this, more of that, yet have we ever taken a step back to count our blessings, one by one?

These 15 days have taught me many precious valuable lessons,
and I'd never exchange these 15 days for anything else in the world.

Thank you Ms Jamie Teo for being the "doremon" of the group and Mr Robert Yow for stepping in whenever there was help needed.
And from the bottom of my heart,
Thank You
Juliana, Robin, Sarah, Stacey, Ivy, Jacq, Hao, Yuheng,
Ting Wei, Foo Hou, Isabel, Kat, Leonard, Yvonne, Gary,
Bing Xian, Si Ting, Amy
for being part of this wonderful team!

posted by Sandra

. Foo Hou's Reflections

Ive learnt how to appreciate things better in Phnom Penh.Studying is like a 'luxury' for the kids in Cambodia,instead of being a 'necessity' like what is happening in Singapore.Having that priviledge ,yet we did not make full good use of what is provided for us.Unlike the kids,their enthusiasm for studies that ive seen while teaching them in the Chinese enrichment class,'woke 'me up.
Simple meals that we ate over there also reminds me about the importance of food wastage which is quite common among youths in Singapore & also the availability of large variety of good food we have in Singapore ,.I must now learn how to better appreciate & be thankful of what we have over here in Singapore.

Throughout the working & planning process,more or less there are bound to be difficulties and problems that start surfacing,but no matter what,the kids will still have a solution to it to help me after i let them know of the various problems.Its never easy being a leader,whats more its my first time.But lucky for me,theres Jul to guide me as days past & honestly ive learned alot from her.Thankyou jul!

Therefore i say,Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about

who came, and never left your side.The cambodian kids are just like the stars in the sky,they are always there no matter the night or my darkest time,they shine brightly for me.While in the day,I cant see the stars,but I know that they are somewhere up there looking after me.

Regarding my experience at Siem Reap building the basketball,I have a short story to share whereby i bet most of us might have heard of this before when we are young,but im one of the lucky few ones that have the chance of experiencing it.

"It takes one not much effort to break just one chopstick into half,but when you have 1 big bundle of them together.Not only you are unable to break them up,instead you can make good use of them to improve & do something beneficial like how we serve Cambodia.

"One for all & all for one,Unity and thats the word."

We all came as individuals,we are strangers to one another,but through bonding and the trip,we stick together like the bundle of chopsticks ,like a team, achieve goals & targets together like how we scrub our lifes off the wall,lacquer and then paint them,how we mix the cement before we pass it around to build the basketball court.All these couldnt be achieve if we dont see everybody as ONE big serve team."human chain,human chain ,lai lai lai"

Through this trip,not only ive found new friends both in the team and in cambodia but most importantly,ive found myself.Trust me,if you have know me long enough before the trip, im a pure slacker that laze around all day,i must admit that,but i was so motivated to reach the target set for building the basketball court,that i unknowingly changed.

Whenever I feel like giving up,I will remember why I held on for so long in the first place.For the kids in cambodia.I tell myself,since ive come all the way here,lucky to be the chosen few ,been through the interviews and camp,why give up?My mind just wouldnt allow myself to rest ,knowing the fact that we almost couldnt finish building the basketball court in time,but my body soon gave way a little.

What we could do to help cambodia as an individual is already so limited ,whats more we have to race against time,all these gave me the sudden energy boost to persevere on til the end of the project & never give up.Like the cambodia kids,despite their country having such a history,they still stand strong and carry on with life,so why should i give up when i only had some minor physical challenge compared to the difficulties they faced & the psychological barriers they have to overcome.

I also learnt to be more thankful especially to the people who care for me throughout the trip,with our medic,Isabel,helping me out with the plasters and all with the many little blisters that ive got throughout my feet and hands.& also to ms teo ,who kept feeding us with water to keep us hydrated while working under the hot sun.

I rmb theres this distinct incident whereby i wanted to carry on helping out with the scooping of cement after i put the plasters and all,but ms teo stopped me & took over me.I felt so useless at that point but at the same time i felt so touched by her words.She said that she will stop working,only after i do.

I bet this is actually what the kids in Cambodia want from us,not big expensive bungalows,million dollar cash nor a Ferrari car,but actually our love & care because it feels great knowing someone that you may not be so closed with at first,to care for you.Like what ive experienced,I felt like im at the top of the world.

Flashback alittle,i still remember Mr ben tan's advice to us before the trip,is to bring our cupful of water over there,pour it all out,before we can pour in more water.I did it,ive pour all that ive got in the cup,and now im flooded with unconditional love,concern & care from the cambodia kids & my amazing serve team.

Touching Hearts,Building Life.
Serve Cambodia 2009 FOR THE WIN..!!

Looking forward to post trip & meeting you guys in school!
Thanks for everything :D

posted by Wong Foo Hou

posted by Wen Zi You Du

. Jacqueline's Reflection
I had my Human Resource Management tutorial this Wednesday. The first thing my tutor asked the class was how we spent our holiday. As my peers shared their internship experiences as well as overseas trip for leisure, I felt that I had the most interesting and fruitful holiday among all my classmates. My tutor asked,” You must be feeling fortunate to be in Singapore right?” I hesitated, whether to say yes or no. Yes because Singapore is a safe place with good governments, facilities and environment. No because I hardly experience warmth, sincerity and simplicity in Singapore. Instead, I was blessed with all these over at Cambodia. Having stayed at Cambodia for two weeks, it was hard for me not to make comparisons.

Through this trip, I got to know many friends (both the team and the people from Cambodia). I can still remember vividly how worried I was before we headed to Cambodia. I knew that I would miss home. Also, I was worried about having communication problems with anyone, regardless of the people from our team or the people at Cambodia. It would be disastrous if problems crop up because we have to spend two weeks together. Thankfully, none of my worries came true.

When I was at Cambodia, I felt as if I was sitting on a roller coaster. I went through a list of fifty-six positive human emotions few days back. I checked and I realised I had experienced all the emotions during that two weeks. A life rich with emotions is a rich life. I brought back two important things from Cambodia. They are the beautiful memories and true friendships. I thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

Jac <3

posted by Jacqueline Xu

. Amy's Reflection
Before going for the trip, I have a low expectation of the place like power failure. The place is better than what I expected. I didn't even use 1 of my battery for my torch light.

I realised how fortunate I am in Singapore because I dont need to walk such a long distance to school every day. The children in Cambodia have to walk such a long distance every day. i think they really have strong determination and perseverance to study or else they will not walk such a long distance to school.And made me want continue to do something for them. And made me want to study harder, work harder, so that I could continue to bring happiness to more people in the world as there are still alot of people who need our help.

And thanks to this serve trip, i'm able to attend the videography lesson to learn about videography. And I realised it is really very tough capturing the right angle and adjusting the DVC so that the image will not be so dark and many many.. And when i review those videos, I felt disappointed with some parts as the video is too shaky or blurish, but at least I could re-flash back some of these precious memories and moments.

I would like to thank everyone for making this Serve Trip possible and enjoyable.
Thank you!! =)

posted by amylimyiwen

. HAO's reflection
I realised that although most of us talk different languages be it Chinese, English or Khmer, they are all linked by one universal language. That language is of kindness and sincerity. This is a language that is difficult to learn but once you learn it, it is a very useful asset to your character building.
Looking at a scenario, imagine two people speaking different languages and can speak very little of each other's first language. Most of what is said is heard by the other as gibberish; hence to understand each other, most of the conversation is through body language. Should the body language be insincere, one is able to see through the character of the other.
It seems that in their less materialistic world of theirs, character of a person seems to matter much more than how much a person is worth in assets.
There could be a possible reason behind this and it very likely is because they tend to have more interaction with friends and family even more than we do with ours. As for us in a more materialistic world, most of what we see us is the potential of someone who has the ability to earn money, Character generally is second to monetary power. Most of this paragraph is a generalisation, but without generalisations, we would be unable to see the contrast of both cultures.
I feel extremely fortunate to be on this serve trip and even more honoured to have made all the friends that I have made both in the Serve Cambodia team and those in Cambodia. I have grown both in spirit and in knowledge in life. Thanks you everyone... from the bottom of my heart :)


posted by amylimyiwen

Friday, October 30, 2009 . IVYCHIN's reflection!

"It's important to give it all you have while you have the chance."
-Shania Twain.

It’s great to be part of the team. Thank you for giving me this chance to serve, a chance to know myself better.
Being the youngest among all, I felt awkward at first, and knowing everyone do know someone else in the team made it worst.
But as time goes by, I got to know more about the team.
And yes, I would say it’s real lucky to be the youngest.
Many took care and concern of me. For that, I'm very thankful.
I believe everyone who went for the trip had learnt many.
For myself, I personally think that it’s an eye-opening experience, getting to see/know the other side of the world.
Yes, it’s true that they're the poorer country, but from what I'd seen and experienced, they're way much richer than any wealthy countries.

Initially, I thought I'm the one who's fortunate, and was supposed to bring happiness and motivate them. But what I didn't expect was I realized they're the real fortunate ones.
They truly understand what's life really is and cherish everything they have.
During the enrichment class that we gave, some of them really shown me what's passion and willingness in learning truly is. There's just so much they want to learn/know and so little we can teach. And that spirit strongly motivated me to work harder.

"There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving."
-Henry Drummond

Yup I had made awesome friends there. Real great friends that treasure friendship. I could really feel their sincerity. What they want is to talk to someone else,
and I'm glad that I'm one of them!

Yup! Thank you all! :D Rock on SC09!

posted by Ivy

Sunday, October 18, 2009 . Watch it!

saw this video and I thought its great to share to all!
Sang by Soriya!

posted by Ivy

. Nice to watch.

Next customer pls..

Human Chain



posted by amylimyiwen

. Pre Trip Video

posted by amylimyiwen

. FGAC Video

posted by amylimyiwen

Thursday, October 15, 2009 . Message from Dr Felipe Castro
Hello ma'am Jamie! Sir Robert and Team Members of Serve Cambodia 2009

I regret to completely miss your Serve Cambodia Mission 2009 in Siem Reap. But I wish to thank you and Sir Robert, your Team of Students, and the Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Administration for your wonderful way of teaching global social awareness and international cooperation to your students, in the process extending a strong helping hand to the needy people in developing countries like Cambodia. And thank you so much for allowing us to be one of your partners in this valuable humanitarian endeavor.

The many young lives you have touched and helped will become better persons because they will never forget meeting you and the kindness you have shown them. Many young people from Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom and Siem Reap will remember you as they enjoy the buildings you helped make for them, or the play ground you gave them, and the happiness they felt as you gave them gifts, spent time talking and playing with them and treating them with dignity. Many of them we hope will help other people in the future also as you have helped them. For sure you made a difference in their lives.

We look forward to many more fruitful years of partnership with Ngee Ann Poly and to meeting more friends from Singapore. Till we meet again.

Dr. Felipe Castro
Country Director
BILEG Community Outreach International/Cambodia

posted by Jamie

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 . Kat's 2 pence worth on Serve Cambodia 2009
I learnt to give ceaselessly,
Love tirelessly,
and to find the joy in the simple things.

The pains I face in the city and school pale in comparison to what the children have to handle. The children have taught me that humans are really more capable and strong than they seem or perceive. They have been through the growing pains of poverty and some abuse, yet they can speak about it casually with a forthright and optimistic attitude, not seeking or wallowing in self pity.

Farming and poverty is part of their livelihood, yet they hardly grumble. On the contrary they are grateful and contented.

I have a lot to learn from these children, and ironically, even though we went to Cambodia to help these children, sometimes it seems that we are the ones requiring help, a vivid reminder of the immense potential yet delicate vulnerability of the human mind and spirit, how to count our blessings, and that what we have been given is sometimes enough, if not more than what we require, yet we do not seem to know the ends of our wants.

How is it that kids younger than ourselves can learn what we supposedly do not seem to know, seek joy in the the tiny things, beyond the aspects of materiality.
To laugh unpretentiously.

They may have little in terms of material things,
but wealth in things unseen.

What is it that matters in the end?

Katerine :3

posted by frame-crazed

. Ah Do Gen !!
Please remember to pass me the Photos, videos you have taken in Cambodia as soon as possible. You can pass me the photos tmr if u are attending tmr briefing.

And remember to write 2 reflection posts for the Cambodia Trip!!

By Amy

posted by amylimyiwen

Monday, October 12, 2009 .
Heex... just in case some of us dying to write to the kids in FGA.

This is the address !

Child Care Centre
Full Gospel Assembly Cambodia
Chamkadong, Chbamorn, Kampong Speu Province
PO Box 2149, Phnom Penh 3, Kingdom of Cambodia.

If there is a need to call the centre:
Tel : 012- 842 969 , 025 987 225

posted by Wen Zi You Du

Team Member
Miss Jamie Teo Mr Robert Juliana Robin Foo Hou Si Ting Sarah Sandra Isabel Stacey Diana Amy Yvonne Ivy Leonard Gary Heng Hao Ting Wei Yu Heng Jacqueline Katerine Bing Xian

Chit-chat :D
